Significant Figures
Significant figures (or significant digits) are used to express, in an approximate way, the number of figures that are known with some degree of precision. The precision varies with number of significant figures, which are all absolute in value except the right most. High significant figures represent an answer known to a high degree of precision.
Rules for deciding the number of significant figures in a measured quantity
Rule | Examples |
All nonzero digits are significant. |
Any zeroes between nonzero digits are significant. |
Leading zeros to the left of the first nonzero digits are not significant; such zeroes indicate the position of the decimal point. |
Trailing zeroes that are also to the right of a decimal point in a number are significant. |
When a number ends in zeroes that are not to the right of a decimal point, the zeroes are not necessarily significant.
To be explicit about the number of significant figures in this situation, it is a good practice to express the number in terms of scientific notation. |
Source: Pharmaceutical Calculations, 2016, by Payal Aggarwal, Jones and Bartlett Learning
Rules for rounding off numbers
Digit to Be Dropped | Rule | Example |
Digit to be dropped > 5 | The last retained digit is increased by 1. | 39.6 is rounded to 40. |
Digit to be dropped < 5 | The last retained digit is not changed. | 39.4 is rounded to 39. |
Digit to be dropped = 5 | The last retained digit is increased by 1. | 39.5 is rounded to 40. 12.2502 is rounded to 12.3. |
Source: Pharmaceutical Calculations, 2016, by Payal Aggarwal, Jones and Bartlett Learning
Rules for performing mathematical operations and reporting the end value with the correct number of significant figures
Addition and subtraction | ||
Report the final value with the same number of decimal places as the measurement with the least number of herokdecimal places. | 104.3 (1 decimal place) + 23.643 (3 decimal places)
Calculator answer = 127.943 Correct answer = 127.9 (round to 1 decimal place) |
Multiplication and Division | ||
Report the final value with the same number of significant figures as in the component with the last number of significant figures. | 3.0 (2 significant figures) × 12.60 (4 significant figures)
Calculator answer = 37.8000 Correct answer = 38 (2 significant figures) |
Source: Pharmaceutical Calculations, 2016, by Payal Aggarwal, Jones and Bartlett Learning
Solved Problem: How many significant figures are there in the number 2.673 Approach: All the digits provided are significant, there are no zero present at the end of the number. Answer: 4 |
Solved Problem: Round 2.673 to three significant figures. Approach: There are 4 significant figures in the number, look at the last one, since it is less than 5, the number can be rounded to 2.67 Answer: 2.67 |