General Dose Calculations - Calibrating a Dropper:

Some medications require the use of a dropper to deliver certain number of drops of medication. A drop is not a measure of volume, depending on the viscosity of a liquid, drop on one drug may have a different volume than drop of another drug. The volume which a drop represents can be determined by calibrating the dispensing dropper. One way to calibrate a dropper is to count the drops of a liquid as they fall into a graduated cylinder. The number of drops per unit volume (e.g. 10 drops/ml) is then established. After a dropper has been calibrated, one can calculate the number of drops needed to provide required dose.

Solved Problem: 35 drops of a medication fill a graduated cylinder to a 2 ml mark. How many drops per ml will the dropper deliver?

$$ { 35 \ drops \over 2 \ ml } = { x \ drops \over ml } = 17.5 \ drops, \ round \ it \ to \ 18 \ drops$$

Answer: 18 drops